6. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds provide omega-3 fatty acids and a healthful dose of fiber at the same time. Each 2-tablespoon serving contains almost 9 g of fat, which is almost entirely unsaturated, and 5.6 g fiber.
The fiber content can increase the feeling of fullness and may reduce cholesterol. Flaxseeds are also very rich in lignans, a type of plant compound that has estrogen and antioxidant effects.
How can I add flaxseeds to my diet?
- Blend flaxseeds into a smoothie, sprinkle them on yogurt or oatmeal or use them in baked goods for a nutty flavor.
7. Nuts

There is approximately 14 g of fat in 1 oz of almonds, 19 g in Brazil nuts, and 18.5 g in walnuts. It is best to eat a variety of unsalted nuts to reap the benefits, as each type of nut has a slightly different nutrient profile.
How can I add nuts to my diet?
- Enjoy nuts as a snack or toss them in salads for a flavorful crunch.
8. Nut and seed butter

Enjoy the benefits of nuts and seeds in a spreadable form by using nut butter. Each serving provides a healthful amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
These delicious spreads can be high in calories, however, so try not to eat more than 2 tablespoons per serving.
How can I add nut butters to my diet?
- Choose a nut butter that is free from added sugar, salt, and oil, and spread it on rice cakes, bread, or sliced apple.
9. Olives

Black olives provide 6.67 g of fat per 100 g, mainly monounsaturated, along with 13.3 g of fiber.
Olives can be high in sodium, though, so 5 large or 10 small olives are considered a standard portion.
How can I add olives to my diet?
- Olives are extremely versatile — people can eat them as a snack, make them into a tapenade, or toss them into whole grain and pasta dishes.
10. Olive oil

Extra-virgin olive oil is full of monounsaturated fats that are good for heart health. It also contains vitamin E, vitamin K, and potent antioxidants.
How can I add olive oil to my diet?
- Use olive oil regularly, but sparingly, in cooking and dressings — a single tablespoon contains 14 g of fat and 120 calories.